Wednesday, 8 August 2012


In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. (Gen 1:1)

In his beauty he created us all
In his beauty he gave us life
In his beauty he forgives our sins
In his beauty he gives us another chance to love him
In his beauty he purifies our soul
In his beauty he provides our daily bread
In his beauty he heals our land
In his beauty he takes care of the creatures of the earth
In his beauty he causes the sun to shine and the moon to glow
In his beauty the stars light up the night sky
In his beauty he gives us a home for an after-life
In his beauty he gave us his only son
In his beauty he allowed us spit on his son and he paid the price for our salvation
In his beauty he watched his son hang on a cross for us all
In his divine beauty we are still ungrateful
But still his beauty remains
And he leaves his arms open to us all
By Sylvia Chika

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