So you try to convince me…
….you tell me to make some space
To move at His pace
To slow down
To unclutter
To unwind
To be less busy
And reprioritize
But I have a plan
I’m a man
I know what I want
Where I want to be in ten years
Unlike my peers
I have a plan
I’m working hard
That’s not bad
They spill tears
They are too scared to face their fears
But I’m better than them
I’m a realist
I’ve got it all figured out
I’m learned
I’ve read all the books
I’m prepared
I don’t have room for what you ask for
You’ve got to be kidding me!
Faith can’t determine my fate
Wake up!
Smell the coffee!
I don’t have time for all this
I’m a realist
I live in the real world
Get your head out of the clouds
I laugh so hard
So you tried to convince me…
….you told me to make some space
To move at His pace
To slow down
To unclutter
To unwind
To be less busy
And reprioritize
But I had a plan
I refused to listen
I never asked what He wanted
I never found out what His will is
I mocked you
I had a plan
I worked hard
Now I’m aged and weak
With so much free time on my hands
I feel empty
I know something is missing
And I know what it is
I thought I had it all figured out
I was foolish
I never read your book
I relished the chaos of a selfish life
Now I have no wife
No kids
Just me
I’m on my knees
I need you!
I seek you!
Help me Lord!
I’m sorry!
I accept you!
I have so much time for you now!
Use me!
By Sylvia Chika
© SylviaChika 2015